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December 2009

Parent observation day at Kaira's ballet school. We got to sit in and let them show off some of the stuff they've been learning.

Kaira, ready for class to start...

Warm-ups and stretches...

Working on some of their positions...

Doing some work on the bar, and Kaira posing with her teacher, Ms. Emily...

Hanging out at SciPort one day. Kaira got to make a 'hover craft'. We hot glued a water bottle top to an old CD, attached a balloon to the spout... and voila! Hover craft!

Christmas Tree
Decorating our Christmas tree...

And the finished product...

Kaira and I made Christmas ornaments this year - little jingle bell penguins, and bead snowflakes...

Gingerbread House
Kaira helping me make our annual Gingerbread house (eating a little as she works, of course)...

Kaira and her class singing Christmas carols at the Barnes & Noble store in town one day...

Christmas Pageant
Kaira getting ready to go to her school's Christmas Pageant...

Singing in the pageant... And Kaira with some of her classmates afterwards...

The Nutcracker
Some of Kaira's friends from ballet were in the Nutcracker (we didn't have the time to commit to the extra practices or she might have been in it as well), and her dance teacher had a couple of fairly large rolls... so Kaira was pretty excited to go watch the performance of the Nutcracker. She also liked the fact that we got to get all dressed up to go. A couple of pictures of us getting ready to go...

Pictures from School
Kaira and her classmates on Elf Day (they got to be elves for a day, and also got to bring a stuffed friend with them to school... With their presents for the Giving Tree...

On Polar Express day - they got to wear their pajamas to school, watch the Polar Express movie, have donuts & hot chocolate for snack time and tons of other fun... The first picture is of all of the first graders with their tickets to get on the Polar Express, and the second picture is of them at snack time enjoying their hot chocolate.


And more Santa...
Kaira and her class (the StarBears) at school with Santa.

Cookies for Santa
Kaira helping make cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve...

Kaira's 'friends' were also ready for Christmas...

Kaira wanted a dollhouse for Christmas... so I spent a couple of late nights before Christmas working on making one after she was in bed - good thing for me she is a sound sleeper and wasn't woken by the sound of the saw or hammering!

The work in progress. I build it as two pieces so it can be stacked to make one tall house, or set side-by-side to make a lower, wider house.

A couple shots of the interior - the bathroom, laundry room, dining room and girl's bedroom...
It's still a work in progress, still want to paint the interior - add wall colors, rugs, etc... and also still have more furniture to come, but we're off to a good start.

A picture of the Christmas tree after Santa came... and Kaira finding the dollhouse by the tree on Christmas morning...

And Kaira playing with her new dollhouse...

A couple other pictures from Christmas morning...

From our family to yours... Happy Holidays!

And one last picture... Kaira getting ready to go visit Grammy & PawPaw - with a flower that she picked for Grammy :)
(Grammy - in case it didn't arrive in the same shape it was when she picked it - this is how it started out)