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January 2010

100 AR Tests
Kaira with her award for reading her 100th book through the Accelerated Reading program at her school. And the third picture is of her award for 150... she's been reading up a storm!

Making banana splits for dessert to celebrate 150 books.

Report Card
Kaira's report card for the 2nd nine weeks of school (O = outstanding, aka A's) - straight A's again!

Kaira & Lokei at the zoo one day over Christmas break...

Kaira at gymnastics. She got moved up from the beginner to intermediate level over Christmas break. Doing some flips on the bars... part of her routine on the balance beam... learning to do a forward roll on the balance beam... and working on a handstand dismount from the balance beam...

Karen's Stuff

Over Christmas break, I got bored and decided it was time for a change - so went brunette...

I got a chance to go fishing with a couple friends on New Years, while Kaira was visiting Grammy & PawPaw. Besides being a little chilly, it was a beautiful day out.

The officers of the Emergency Medicine Interest Group at school. Craig & Lori (far left & far right) were both in my tank group for Gross Anatomy, so we got to suffer through the cadaver dissections together, and they are our VP and Pres, respectively. I am secretary, and next to me in the middle is Jacqueline, treasurer, who's probably my best friend in med school.